Publisher's Synopsis
Forget the old ideologies force-fed to us in our schools. They don't make sense and have failed us all for centuries. The warnings are sounding louder than ever. Throughout the world, violent maniacs claim control of our lives, amassing fortunes and evermore power at our expense. For the sake of all honest and peaceful humans, we must claim our rightful power to control our own lives, but we will need the tools described in this book. Conquer your fears, release your old thinking, and explore the breathtaking possibility of empowerment for ALL people. Embrace the ultimate liberation that is your birthright. This book presents the solution and it is you. Arm yourself with the essential tools of critical thinking and sound principles of human interaction. With new-found clarity, you will become a powerful defender of the innocent. Your actions and words will help transform this violent world into a realm of freedom and respectful interaction for ALL of us. You are the Awakening Hero. It's time to free your brothers and sisters, and to free your-self! The book presents the two "Statements of Basic Human Rights"---the principles that offer true freedom and justice for ALL humans. You will also learn the "Four Rationalization-Busters." These irrefutable principles effectively counter any and all proposals to violate basic human rights. Consistent respect for others' basic human rights is the only way to a better world.