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Human Rights Monitoring and Implementation

Human Rights Monitoring and Implementation How to Make Rights 'Real' in Children's Lives

Paperback (29 Jan 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The collection aims to inspire readers with new approaches to implementing and monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to make rights 'real' in children's lives.

Children's human rights are internationally recognised in the legally binding international treaty-the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most ratified of all human rights treaties. Although measures are increasingly being taken to implement the Convention at a national level, more needs to be done to ensure that children's rights are recognised and supported in their daily lives. This collection brings together the latest research on new approaches to embedding children's rights into national law and policies, with contributions from academics, practitioners and importantly young activists, from the UK and beyond. This book will be of interest to all human rights advocates, particularly policy makers and practitioners looking for new ways in which to make children's rights real.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of Human Rights.

About the Publisher


Routledge is the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide. Our current publishing programme encompasses groundbreaking textbooks and premier, peer-reviewed research in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Built Environment. We have partnered with many of the most influential societies and academic bodies to publish their journals and book series. Readers can access tens of thousands of print and e-books from our extensive catalogue of titles. Routledge is a member of Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business.

Book information

ISBN: 9780367520700
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
DEWEY: 341.48572
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 132
Weight: 453g
Height: 246mm
Width: 174mm
Spine width: 8mm