Publisher's Synopsis
Welcome to the wonderful world of Magic the Gathering! Magic the Gathering (also know as M: tG) is a card game that combines strategy, fantasy, and fun to create one of the most popular card games ever known. So sit back and relax because you are about to take a journey into Magic the Gathering!At its most basic, Magic is actually very simple. You and a friend(s) are Planeswalkers, powerful beings who can traverse different planes of existence and do battle by summoning powerful spells. With 20 hit points each, the goal is win by drawing powerful spells and creature spells that can lower your opponent's life total while sustaining your own hitpoints. The first player whose life total reaches zero loses.To summon these spells, you rely on what are called land cards, or mana. These lands and their coordinating colors represent the very basic building blocks of Magic, and there are five types of land cards, each representing a natural landscape that dictates the flavor of that particular spellIn this guide I'll teach you the basics of M: tG, including: how to build a deck, using mana, card types and more.Get your copy today by scrolling up and clicking Buy Now to get your copy today