How to Do Systems Analysis

How to Do Systems Analysis Primer and Casebook - Wiley Series in Systems Engineering and Management

Hardback (23 Sep 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Presents the foundational systemic thinking needed to conceive systems that address complex socio-technical problems

This book emphasizes the underlying systems analysis components and associated thought processes. The authors describe an approach that is appropriate for complex systems in diverse disciplines complemented by a case-based pedagogy for teaching systems analysis that includes numerous cases that can be used to teach both the art and methods of systems analysis. 

  • Covers the six major phases of systems analysis, as well as goal development, the index of performance, evaluating candidate solutions, managing systems teams, project management, and more
  • Presents the core concepts of a general systems analysis methodology
  • Introduces, motivates, and illustrates the case pedagogy as a means of teaching and practicing systems analysis concepts
  • Provides numerous cases that challenge readers to practice systems thinking and the systems methodology

How to Do Systems Analysis: Primer and Casebook is a reference for professionals in all fields that need systems analysis, such as telecommunications, transportation, business consulting, financial services, and healthcare. This book also serves as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in systems analysis courses in business schools, engineering schools, policy programs, and any course that promotes systems thinking.

Book information

ISBN: 9781119179573
Publisher: Wiley
Imprint: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pub date:
DEWEY: 658.4032
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 562g
Height: 163mm
Width: 243mm
Spine width: 21mm