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How to Achieve Your Goals

How to Achieve Your Goals

Paperback (23 Aug 2023)

  • $16.26
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Publisher's Synopsis

Many people have dreams and projects they want to accomplish but don't know where to start. They set goals at the beginning of each year without knowing why they can't meet them.

This book brings the reader a step-by-step guide to help achieve your goals and make your dreams happen, whether personal or professional projects. It is a manual with five steps and some exercises, where the reader will learn to identify their dreams and goals, create an action plan, establish objectives and habits that will help them pave the way, know their strengths and align their values so that the journey is as pleasant as the destination.

If you wish the freedom to live life your way and do what you love by fulfilling your goals and making your dreams come true, this book is for you!

Book information

ISBN: 9786500779561
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Camara Brasileira Do Livro
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 82
Weight: 132g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 5mm