Publisher's Synopsis
How to Write a Thesis expands on the basics of thesis writing to provide practical writing techniques to get the thesis written. It offers advice on developing good writing habits, overcoming writer’s block, maximising time with your supervisor and understanding what you want to achieve through your writing.
The book includes techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing to ensure you can stay on track in the long term development of your thesis. It also covers crucial sections on literature reviews, developing the structure and the mental challenges that are involved with long form writing.
Table of Contents:
1.How to write 1,000 words an hour
2.Thinking about writing
3.Starting to write
4.Seeking structure
5.The first milestone
6.Becoming a serial writer
7.Constructing closure
8.Fear and loathing: Revising
9.It is never too late to start
10.The last 385 yards
11.After the thesis examination: More writing?
Pedagogical Features:
Case studies
Reflection points
What’s new to this edition:
Coverage of Chat GPT and other AI writing support, including the ethics and practicalities of using it
Internationalising advice to maximise the appeal for international students
Increased coverage of digital tools and hybrid approaches (e.g. online writing groups)