Publisher's Synopsis
The Essential Guide to Stopping Hate Speech
Being a good ally requires more than well wishes. You must also challenge accusations, assumptions, and stereotypes that represent hate speech. How to be a Good Ally Book 1 teaches you how to spot hate speech targeting African Americans/Black people, Asian People, Jewish People, LGBTQ People, Mexican People, Muslims, and Tribespeople, then provides you with 500 ways to reply and shut it down. Here's how it works...- You're online and someone posts a comment that attacks a group of people. You want to reply, but you're at a loss for words. You consider disowning or blocking them but decide to shut it down instead. You reach for this book, and mission accomplished. - You and your kids are at a family gathering. Suddenly, Uncle Chad lets rip about the color or religion of the new people who've moved into his neighborhood. You can't let that slide. You fear your children will think that kind of talk is acceptable, so you use one of the replies provided in this book. Nice work. - You're on a coffee break at work. Karen from accounts joins you. You share a love of tennis and chat about catching Wimbledon highlights. Serena Williams is about to win her 75th title. Karen says, 'black people are only good at sports.'. Your coffee break is ruined. What will you say to make sure Karen knows you're a good ally? You'll use one of the replies in this book. Ace. - You're having lunch with an old school friend. He looks out the window and sees a trans person walking by and blurts out, 'look at that man who thinks he's a woman. He's mentally ill.' Last night, you finished the chapter in this book about LGBTQ people, and politely inform him that both the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association do not consider being transgender a mental disorder. Well done. - You grew up in a racist society and suspect you have racist beliefs. As an act of self-love, you want to weed your mental garden of hate and lies. By the time you finish reading this book, you'll be free from your racist programming. Whoever you are, if you want to be a good ally, How to Be A Good Ally Book 1 500 Ways to Shut Down Hate Speech IS REQUIRED READING