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How STEM Built the Aztec Empire

How STEM Built the Aztec Empire - How STEM Built Empires

First edition

Hardback (30 Dec 2019)

  • $48.68
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Publisher's Synopsis

"The archaeological evidence of Tenochtitlan isn't just impressive from a historical perspective, it is also remarkable from a STEM standpoint, too. After all, it reveals one overwhelming fact about the Aztecs: they were a highly advanced civilization who utilized many science, math, technology, and engineering practices in the construction of their metropolis. This fact is made evident by the impressive structures, artwork, and artifacts that this long-lost people left behind deep underneath present-day Mexico City. Throughout this text, we'll be exploring some of the achievements of the Aztecs and how this people who lived some 500 years ago was able to use advanced STEM skills to build one of the grandest cities in the Americas--and the world--at that time"--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781725341357
Publisher: Rosen Publishing
Imprint: Rosen Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: First edition
DEWEY: 303.4830972530902
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: cm.
Weight: 417g
Height: 234mm
Width: 163mm
Spine width: 13mm