Publisher's Synopsis
Chronic pain is not a simple sensation. It is strongly influenced by the ways in which the brain processes the pain signals. In fact, chronic pain can provoke strong emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, or even terror, depending on what the individual believes about his or her pain signals.
This book will help you manage your life living with pain.
By following these simple Life-changing strategies, you will find Hope again and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
With the help of this book, you won't feel alone in your fight against the pain. You will feel supported in every way.
Written by someone who has lived with debilitating pain for half a decade that has been pain-free for 15 years.
The book describes the author's own experience living and working in an office in London and gives easily applicable takeaways at the end of each chapter to help you cope with pain. The emphasis in this book is on taking a mind-body approach when recovering from chronic pain. According to the author, when suffering from pain, talking to someone on a regular basis is just as important as consulting a doctor or physiotherapist.
When you read this book, you will:
- Feel supported and not alone in coping with the pain
- Have hope again in breaking free from your pain
- Will have tools that will help you manage your pain better
- Get to know yourself better when applying tools suggested in this book
- Will have less fear, become mentally strong, and able to fight against your pain
If you want to have Hope again and learn how to manage your pain then