Honest Lies

Honest Lies The Truth About Lying

Paperback (30 Dec 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An oxymoronic title for a book? If I was honest, it depends; if I was really honest, it is true! How can I entitle a book 'Honest Lies? Easy really, for many of us have done and do so on a frequent basis. We may call truthful or honest lies 'white lies', which are certainly not as bad as 'big' lies or 'serious' lies - are they? I sometimes watch a UK TV programme called 'Would I lie to you?' where two teams must work out if the opposition are lying or not, from various statements being read out. As each team member is a celebrity, often comedians, or TV stars, there is quite a lot of amusing banter, role play and so on, but overall, it's surprising how 'good' some can lie! Though I don't recommend that we use the well-worn phrase 'Cross my heart and hope to die' as it just may come true! It may indicate that we are telling the truth, but I would hope that we shouldn't have to. We will never be lie-free as humans, but we should aim to be so.

Book information

ISBN: 9781471058707
Publisher: Lulu Press
Imprint: Lulu.com
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 141g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 6mm