Publisher's Synopsis
We are living in the Last Days and God is revealing mysteries and pouring out His Spirit on mankind. He is shaking the Church awake, He is appearing to unbelievers, He is telling His prophets deep things that have been hidden down through the ages. The earth is shaking, Israel is trembling in the hands of God, to give awakening birth to the Messiah. In this book, the Holy Spirit is revealing things to His people who will wake up and take it to the streets. This book isn't for the faint hearted, fear filled individual who is ashamed of Jesus. This book is for the person who wants to know the mysteries God is revealing in these LAST DAYS and how to tell others. It is in large print so you can read it without your glasses! Come, sit a spell and take a load off your feet and put a down-load in your mind, then get your Bible out and begin to study to show yourself approved unto God. You will be surprised how hot it gets in there. That is what Father is looking for; on fire, hot souls who live to tell others about the wonderful news that there is life, abundant life here on earth as it is in heaven! You can have a personal relationship with the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. He will give you more than you can imagine and deliver you from all evil, setting you up in a new home, designed especially for you, where you will dwell for eternity. What do you have to do? Believe the report of the Father about His Son. He has given us a book so we can know the Truth and the Truth shall set up free!