Hitchhiking to Heaven

Hitchhiking to Heaven

Paperback (08 Mar 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Prayer for America Lord Jesus, You have created America the greatest nation on earth by selecting righteous statesmen to lead it in its infancy and it became the most prosperous nation on earth and it inspired freedom loving people to come and enjoy the freedom and opportunities it offered. You are a God that sees all, hears all and knows all. We confess that we have fallen asleep and allowed the nation to slip so low morally. We have allowed Your Name and Word to be removed from our schools and thereby creating a condition where the title of coach commands more respect than You or Reverend. Lord forgive us. We come to You with humbled hearts to claim Your grace and mercy. Former President George Bush tried to get us to believe that You are the same God as Allah, You have said to us, "You shall have no other gods before me." We pray that You change his mind, and if he is not man enough to admit that he is wrong, then let him be history. President Obama has tried to convince us that he has the answers to the world's problems. It is obvious that he leading us in the wrong direction and aiding our enemies that are trying to destroy us. You have informed us through Your angel Gabriel, that with You nothing is impossible. So we pray that you change his mind as You changed Saul's mind when he was on his way to Damascus to arrest Your disciples, and help us to repent and correct the errors of our ways so we can restore the nation as it was. Amen

Book information

ISBN: 9781615797509
Publisher: Salem Publishing Solutions
Imprint: Xulon Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 126
Weight: 167g
Height: 139mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 7mm