Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 edition. Excerpt: ... isters and elders in the Associate Presbyterian Church. He and his family attended church at Paris, a distance of seven miles, where Dr. John Anderson preached, until the congregation of Kings Creek was organized. His family consisted of eleven children, Robert, James, John, William, Hugh, Margaret, Susana, Nancy, Isabella, Annie and Mary Leeper. JAMES LEEPER dted March 13th, 1814, in the sixty-sixth year of his age and was buried in the "Old Kings Creek Cemetery" about two miles north of Frankfort Springs. Capt. Robert Leeper, son of JAMES LEEPER, was married to Nancy Agnes, the daughter of SAMUEL HARPER, JR., some time in the year of 1805. His wife was born October 10th, 1782, in York Co., Penna., and died in May 1868, in her 87th year. He inherited fifty acres of the old homestead, and afterwards added by purchase one hundred and fifty acres, for which he paid $750. He died August 20th 1862, in his 85th year. He and his wife are interred at Frankfort Springs, Penna., their tombstone being a marbel pedestal surmounted with an open Bible, upon which is the inscription, "Blessed are the dead, &c." Rev. XIV, 13. At the time of his death he had a sound constitution and died from a hurt received by falling from a load of hay as he was crossing the public road in front of his dwelling. His son, S. H. LEEPER, had requested him to sit on his porch and watch the men working in the field, but he thought he would feel better in exercising at light work. In 18n he was appointed to the command of the troops of Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Crawford, Erie, Venango and Warren Counties, Penna. His commission from the Governor is now in the keeping of his grand-son, Robert C. Leeper. The sword which he carried in the war of 1812 was given to him by his...