Publisher's Synopsis
The Warminster mystery is fifty years old.
The mystery began as unusual sounds on the morning of Christmas 1964 and continued as a UFO flap until 1977. The locals called the unusual lights and sounds central to the mystery "the Thing." The memory of that mystery remained in the background of ufology throughout the years, even while other events took centre stage.
This book reviews what happened during the crazy, exciting years of the Warminster mystery. It is not a long list of the sighting reports; it is a short history of the events - the lights, the sounds - the media reports, and the characters that shaped the Thing. It is a history of the mystery.
8/10: Snappy and even-handed review of whatever it was... -- Fortean Times
nicely written ... makes the perfect introduction to the Warminster affair, managing to be both open-minded and objective. -- John Rimmer, The Magonia Blog.