Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1864 edition. Excerpt: ...Bond and "William Swallow; Fence 'V iewers, Moses Hamilton and David Canady. Levi Johnson, Esq., for twelve years Justice of the Peace in Jackson Township, taught the first school in Penn Township in the winter of 1837-'38, in a log house which stood near the present residence of Jesse Gray, jun. The Post Office was established in Camden on the 19th of January, 1839, and John D. Jones appointed Postmaster. He held the office just six days, during which time he opened one mail and found one letter for that office. John M. Carr succeeded Mr. Jones as Postmaster. It was first called Penn, then changed to Pennville. Bear Creek Township was organized in November, 1836, the first election held on the second Saturday in December, 1836, at the house of John Pingry, Biram A. Pearson being Inspector. The first township officers were as follows: Inspector, James Marquis; Supervisors, William Yail and James Marquis; Overseers of the Poor, William Baldwin and Edward Buford; Fence Viewers, Frederick Wible and William Gray. The first settler was John Pingry, sen. The first store was kept by Lewis N. Byram, at Bloom-field. The first Post Office (Bear Creek) in the township was also at Bloomtield, established on the 7th of February, 1840, L. K Byram, Postmaster. On the 14th of July, 1851, the office was removed to West Liberty, in Jackson Township, and W. K. Coldren appointed Postmaster; but in July the following year it was returned to Bloomfield, and J. L. Grigsby became Postmaster. John H. Smith holds the office at present, and is the only merchant in the place. In 1854 George W. Porter started the first store at West Chester, and in April of that year the Post Office was established there, and he was appointed the Postmaster. Soon after, A. E. HcGriff...