Publisher's Synopsis
Asserts that most of 'World History' is a fiction! Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were invented and crafted during Renaissance. Discover the Old Testament as a veiled rendition of events of Middle Ages written centuries after the New Testament. Perceive the Crusaders as contemporaries of The Crucifixion punishing the tormentors of the Messiah. What if Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 AD? Sounds unbelievable? Not after you've read this book by Anatoly Fomenko, a leading mathematician of our time. He follows in the steps of Sir Isaac Newton, finds clear evidence of falsification of History by medieval clergy and humanists. Armed with computers, astronomy and statistics he proves the history of humankind to be both dramatically different and drastically shorter than generally presumed. Archaeological, dendrochronological, paleographical and carbon methods of dating of ancient sources and artefacts are both non-exact and contradictory, therefore there is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that could be reliably and independently dated earlier than the eleventh century. The consensual chronology we live with was essentially crafted in the sixteenth century from the contradictory mix of innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts (all originals have mysteriously disappeared) and the 'proofs' delivered by the late mediaeval astronomers, cemented by the authority of writings of the Church Fathers.