Publisher's Synopsis
"Choosing Atahualpa as the central character of a book is a challenge for any historian of the Andes. We are pleased that Ileana Almeida has been able to show in a few pages the essence of that life that had the unique opportunity to observe and be observed by the conquerors (...) The Atahualpa of Juan de Betanzos rethought by Almeida is a character that captures the attention of its readers".Retana and Luis Millones"Most indigenous languages are agglutinative, that is, they agglutinate to the root of suffixes. In this book, Ileana Almeida points out four phases as a process of agglutination in Kichwa (taking Turkish as an example): independence of words, role of attribute of one of the words, postposition and suffixation. The process is important for didactically studying the language, however, synchronically, not all suffixes can be understood in the process of transformation".Luis Montaluisa Chasiquiza