Hispanic Star: Pedro Pascal

Hispanic Star: Pedro Pascal - Hispanic Star

Hardback (02 Sep 2025)

  • $18.71

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About the Publisher

Roaring Brook Press

Roaring Brook Press is a publisher of high-quality literature for young readers of all ages, from toddler to teen, and in all categories: picture books, fiction, and nonfiction. Our authors and artists - some well known, many new - are the focus of our list, their talents define us. 2014 marks our twelfth birthday, and in these early years many of our books have won an array of awards and honors.

Book information

ISBN: 9781250339157
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Imprint: Roaring Brook Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 454g
Height: 203mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 25mm