Publisher's Synopsis
Occasionally, a reader will happen upon a book that is excellent as a bedtime sleeping aid-but not this one. With nearly five score different events, happenings, and adventures with dozens of related and pertinent rabbit trails lending credence to the excursions, the reader will be "thumb ready" to eagerly flip a page, seeking the outcome of the last daring deed of the adventuresome author. Wide is the variety of decent and noble escapades at a time when seat belts were unknown, standing up in the center aisle of the school bus for six miles was permitted, and unwritten laws of the land promoted unlimited homemade adventures and the unshackled variety of down-to-earth fun. Youthful minds, unabashedly, often ran rampant in the myriad of rare adventures that were available to pursue. We attempted many and lived to tell about our assorted and varied shenanigans-most of them with a grin!