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Hiking Adventures Journal

Hiking Adventures Journal

Paperback (03 May 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Hiking Adventures

Many wonderful memories are made when we go on hiking trips, but the glory of the moment can vanish over time. That's where this journal comes in handy. No longer forget the details of the journey, the beautiful scenery, the awe-inspiring sights of wildlife, and the times of solace in nature. Record your adventures whether it be of those great hikes in the mountains, the strolls around the lake, or your walks in the national parks and forests. You'll be able to reminiscence for years to come of your individual and group hikes with family and friends. This journal is conveniently sized at 5.25" x 8" which makes it great for travel.

  • Great tips and resources regarding hiking preceding the journaling portion.
  • Two pages of space available per hiking trail.
  • Record over 50 different hikes.
  • Fantastic gift for those who love to go hiking.
  • 5.25 x 8 inches, glossy soft cover, cream paper, lined journal.
  • Book information

    ISBN: 9781093322989
    Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US
    Imprint: Independently Published
    Pub date:
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 126
    Weight: 150g
    Height: 203mm
    Width: 133mm
    Spine width: 8mm