Publisher's Synopsis
This volume of the Highlights of Astronomy contains the Invited Discourses and the proceedings or summaries of Joint Discussions, Special Sessions, and Working Group Meetings held at the XIInd IAU General Assembly in August 1994 in The Hague. While the three Invited Discourses are reproduced in the order of their appearance in the meeting programme, the Joint Discussions have been reordered according to their topics. Not included in this volume are the proceedings of the GA Symposia which will be published individually in the IAU Symposia series. I am most grateful to the authors of the invited discourses for preparing manuscripts in spite of heavy other commitments. It is a pleasure to express my appreciation of the work by Dr. Jacqueline Bergeron in organizing the XXIInd General Assembly, and I wish to thank all authors and meeting chairpersons for their cooperation and for providing their contributions in time to meet the customary publication schedule of this series. Special thanks are due to Ms. Monique Leger-Orine from the IAU office for considerable and patient assistance in the final editing, and to Dr. Tom Herbst from the Max- Planck-Institute for Astronomy for permission to reproduce on the cover of this volume one of his IR images of Jupiter obtained just after the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impact, one of the definite Highlights of Astronomy in 1994.