Higher Modern Studies for CfE. Democracy in Scotland and the UK

Higher Modern Studies for CfE. Democracy in Scotland and the UK - Eurostars

Digital Original

eBook (17 Oct 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Written specifically to match the Higher syllabus, Democracy in Scotland and the UK covers all of the topics that students will study in this unit of the course: UK constitutional arrangement, political institutions and processes, voting systems and behaviour.

- Covers the most recent political developments, including the EU referendum and resignation of David Cameron.
- Fact File boxes explain key political theories and ideas in greater detail.
- ICT Tasks encourage the use of online resources, such as political party websites, as part of focussed research work.
- Show your understanding questions test students' knowledge.
- In-depth case studies of recent events highlight political practices and theories in action.

About the Publisher

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Book information

ISBN: 9781510403703
Publisher: Hodder Education
Imprint: Hodder Gibson
Pub date:
Edition: Digital Original
DEWEY: 320.441
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: -1g