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Higher Chemistry

Higher Chemistry - Need to Know

Paperback (30 Aug 2019)

  • $13.92
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Publisher's Synopsis

Exam board: SQA
Level: Higher
Subject: Chemistry
First teaching: September 2018
First exams: Summer 2019

What do you really need to know for the SQA Higher Chemistry exam?

This revision guide covers the essentials in less than 100 pages, so it's perfect for early exam preparation or last-minute revision.

- Find key content at your fingertips with quick summaries of the concepts, processes and terminology that you need to understand

- Get a better grade in your exam with tips on exam technique, mistakes to avoid and important things to remember

- Revise and practise using end-of-topic questions and in-depth questions at the end of each section - with answers provided online

- Benefit from the knowledge of experienced teacher, author and examiner John Anderson

Book information

ISBN: 9781510451209
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Hodder Gibson
Pub date:
DEWEY: 540
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 254g
Height: 209mm
Width: 296mm
Spine width: 2mm