Publisher's Synopsis
High Strangeness / hi stranj-n?s / (noun):
"A term first coined during the UFO investigations of the 1960s to describe encounters that cannot be explained by conventional means, typically referring to the impossible, unbelievable or supernatural."
HIGH STRANGENESS is a collection of ten spine-tingling stories to chill your bones and freeze your blood - whether you're in the black market for ghostly hauntings, cosmic creatures, or macabre morality tales, we've got the scares for you!
Written as homage to the groundbreaking pulp horror novels of the 1950s and taking inspiration from harrowing short story collections like Stephen King's SKELETON CREW, Clive Barker's BOOK OF BLOOD, and Alvin Schwartz's SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK, HIGH STRANGENESS continues the grand tradition of terrifying campfire tales for a new generation.
Long live the things that go bump in the night!