Publisher's Synopsis
- The Nobility have captured a young Frontierswoman named Tae and held hercaptive for eight years, and her prison - the remote Castle Gradinia- can only be accessed by those brave (or senseless) enough to cross intothe no-man's-land known as the Outer Frontier. The mysterious "people finder"Granny Viper has been charged with the recovery of the girl...but can she trusther hired escorts, the notoriously shifty Bullow Brothers? In a race acrosstreacherous terrain, it will be up to D to lead the charge and level all enemieson this rescue mission!
- Vampire Hunter D is famed horror-master Hideyuki Kikuchi'srevolutionary tale of a beautiful Hunter and the war he is destined to wageagainst the bloodthirsty Nobility! D must intervene when the recapture of ayoung woman kidnapped by the Nobility is waylaid by a band of deviants whoseunparalleled cruelty threatens the very lives of the rescue party! Will D makeit across a vast desert and out of harm's way in time to save thegirl?