Publisher's Synopsis
When Crosby Suydam died and left exactly enough money to bury himself, his widow returned to New York, and, taking her two little girls by the hand, presented herself at the old Suydam mansion on Second Avenue. "You must either take care of us or see us go to the poor-house," she said to her brother-in-law; "I am not strong enough to work, and my relatives are as poor as myself." And she sank into one of the library chairs with that air of indifference and physical weakness which makes a man more helpless than defiance or curse. Did John Suydam still, in his withered, yellow frame, carry a shrunken remnant of that pliable organ called the heart? His brother's widow did not add this problem to the others of her vexed existence-she had done with problems forever-but in his little world the legend was whispered that, many years before, the last fragment had dried and crumbled to dust.