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Here's to You, Charlie Brown

Here's to You, Charlie Brown - Peanuts

Graphic ed

Paperback (30 Jul 2024)

  • $8.26
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Publisher's Synopsis

126 pages of classic Peanuts comic strips. This Facsimile edition of the original Here's to you, Charlie Brown was first published in 1969 and features 126 pages Peanuts newspaper strips taken from Ha Ha Herman, Charlie Brown. Featuring many of your favorite characters, including Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Schroeder, Linus, Susan Brown and Marcie, this book is a facsimile edition of the classic Coronet edition Peanuts paperback book collects 128 pages of classic comic strips taken from the 1960s. The book was originally published back in 1969 by Coronet.

Book information

ISBN: 9781787742697
Publisher: Titan Comics
Imprint: Titan Comics
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 170g
Height: 200mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 20mm