Publisher's Synopsis
Henry enters the court with his various lords. Suffolk has returned from France with Margaret, whom he presents to the king as his new wife. He also brings a peace treaty from France, which Gloucester reads. He falters when he comes to a passage about the French keeping the territories of Anjou and Maine in return for Margaret. Gloucester is upset at this loss of land, once hard-won by Henry V and by the other lords in recent French wars. He prophecies the imminent loss of France and leaves. Beaufort speaks against Gloucester, suggesting to Buckingham and Somerset that they plot to oust him. Salisbury and Warwick talk with York about trying to suppress the influence of Suffolk and Beaufort, two ambitious and prideful nobles. York, left alone, speaks of his belief in his claim to the throne and his frustration that Henry willingly allows lands that are rightfully his own to be returned to the French. Yet he can't make his claims yet; he plans to side with Warwick and Salisbury.