Heavy Rescue Trucks

Heavy Rescue Trucks 1931 - 2000 Photo Gallery - Photo Gallery

Paperback (14 Jun 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For more than a half-century, heavy rescue trucks have played a vital role in plucking hapless souls from such precarious situations as fires, auto accidents, floods, and other disasters.

This comprehensive history uses a collection of 400 factory and on-scene photographs to examine and depict the evolution of these life-saving vehicles and their specialized equipment.

The book features rigs from early builders like Gerstenlager, Swab, and Reading, along with modern trucks from well-known companies like E-One, Pierce, Saulsbury, and Supervac. The trucks are shown in both small towns and major metorpolitan areas across the United States.

Book information

ISBN: 9781583880456
Publisher: Enthusiast Books
Imprint: Enthusiast Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 629.224
Language: English
Number of pages: 224
Weight: 612g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 19mm