Heart Thoughts

Heart Thoughts A Treasury of Inner Wisdom

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Publisher's Synopsis

"This beautifully illustrated gift edition of Heart Thoughts is a collection of meditations, spiritual treatments, and excerpts from my lectures. It focuses on aspects of our day-to-day experiences, and is meant to guide and assist you in particular areas where you may be having difficulty. It is now time for you to release old beliefs and old habits, and the meditations and treatments within these pages can help you build your confidence as you make necessary changes in your life. This is a time of awakening. Know that you are always safe. And also know that it's possible to move from the old to the new, easily and peacefully." - Louise L. Hay

Book information

ISBN: 9781401939366
Publisher: Hay House Publishing
Imprint: Hay House
Pub date:
DEWEY: 158.128
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 231
Weight: -1g