Publisher's Synopsis
"Heal Your 7 Chakras - A spiritual exercise to drive negativity away and refresh your body and mind" is a mini book-guide that will teach you a powerful meditation exercise. You can use this spiritual exercise to heal your 7 chakras, drive negativity away and boost your energy and self-confidence.
You need such meditation exercise if you live in stressful societies or if your life-style is very busy. After performing the meditation (and if you are consistent and serious) you will start to become more and more aware of the physical as well as the spiritual world. More information inside this mini e-book. We gave the graphical book to a couple of our friends and here's their feedback: "This is a really powerful meditation. Congrats for revealing this kind of information to the general public..." "Wow, I am very happy to have this little book in my collection. 100% genuine spiritual cleaning exercise. Thank you!" "Cleaning your chakras is the first thing you must do if you are a spiritual person. The exercise you are presenting is one of the best I've seen. It enhanced my own meditation..." If you want to own this exercise, then click the order button. If you like the mini book, you can lend it and also leave a positive feedback here on Amazon to help me spread the word about this chakra meditation. If you want to read more mini e-books from Maria Markella, please visit her author page here on Amazon:http: // To you happiness, peace, joy.-