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Haunted House

Haunted House - Blood Splatter Books

Hardback (28 May 2023)

  • $28.41
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Publisher's Synopsis

Would you survive lockdown in a haunted house?

It's 23rd March 2020 in the UK, and the prime minister has announced a country-wide lockdown.

Like everyone else in the UK, Lisa is forced to stay at home with her family.

Unlike everyone else in the UK, Lisa has just moved into a new house, and strange things keep happening.

Voices talking to her. Things being moved. And a rage that is growing inside of her - one that poisons her thoughts and creates an irrational hatred toward her family.

As the lockdown continues, she starts to wonder what's the biggest threat - the disease, or the presence controlling her in her own home...

If you like the paranormal, the supernatural and the scary, you will love Haunted House.

Book information

ISBN: 9781916705074
Publisher: Blood Splatter Press
Imprint: Blood Splatter Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 290
Weight: 594g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 21mm