Publisher's Synopsis

This volume includes Natasha Bershadsky, "A Picnic, a Tomb, and a Crow: Hesiod's Cult in the Works and Days"; Alexander Dale, "Sapphica"; Andrew Faulkner, "Fast, Famine, and Feast: Food for Thought in Callimachus' Hymn to Demeter"; Guillermo Galán Vioque, "A New Manuscript of Classical Authors in Spain"; Jarrett T. Welsh, "The Dates of the Dramatists of the Fabula Togata"; Andrea Cucchiarelli, "Ivy and Laurel: Divine Models in Virgil's Eclogues"; John Henkel, "Nighttime Labor: A Metapoetic Vignette Alluding to Aratus at Georgics 1.291-296"; Salvatore Monda, "The Coroebus Episode in Virgil's Aeneid"; Mark Toher, "Herod's Last Days"; Bart Huelsenbeck, "The Rhetorical Collection of the Elder Seneca: Textual Tradition and Traditional Text"; Robert Cowan, "Lucan's Thunder-Box: Scatology, Epic, and Satire in Suetonius' Vita Lucani"; Erin Sebo, "Symphosius 93.2: A New Interpretation"; Christopher P. Jones, "Imaginary Athletics in Two Followers of John Chrysostom"; and William T. Loomis and Stephen V. Tracy, "The Sterling Dow Archive: Publications, Unfinished Scholarly Work, and Epigraphical Squeezes.".

Book information

ISBN: 9780674072015
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Imprint: Harvard University Department of the Classics
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 374
Weight: 528g
Height: 216mm
Width: 151mm
Spine width: 32mm