Publisher's Synopsis
Hannah, now married, is living her dream with Jake under the shadow of the Cabinet Mountains. But fear stalks outside the cabin. Must they move back to Indiana, or does God have other plans? Will Jake see things her way, or will they both be swallowed up by the seemingly impossible demands life lays upon them? This is the story of one woman s struggle and the road that opens up before her. (Excerpt from Hannah) Even in her dulled state of awareness, Hannah was certain Sylvia had pulled away, trying to put distance between them. So sudden this was, so abrupt, like a shooting star falling out of heaven on her head. Others would always feel she was different from them, regardless of how much she was not. Hannah heard Bishop Amos dismiss the service, sounding as if he were far away. The bench beside her emptied out on each side, but she stayed seated, unable to move. Dimly she became aware of her mother, and then Betty, coming in on either side of her. Her senses registered arms around her shoulders, their tightness gripping her. They stayed that way, the three of them, until the dam broke and the tears flowed. They wept together as one for a life that never would be the same again.