Publisher's Synopsis
In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the gender differences, socio-cultural influences and health implications of body image. Topics include muscle dysmorphia as an expression of cultural and social standard influence; a cross-national examination of body image and health behaviours in Jordan and the United States; body image and sexuality in breast cancer survivors; body dissatisfaction among African American, Asian American, and Latina women; mens' body image; eating and body-related disorders among men; mass media's effect on body image and eating disturbances; transferring personal body knowledge in adolescents; body image investment and self-regulation of weight control behaviours; explicit and implicit anti-fat attitudes; feminism and body image; dietary habits, exercise and body image; gender difference modulation in a body-selective region in the brain; body image improvement after cosmetic surgery by evaluating postural changes; body image and quality of life of women with polycystic ovary syndrome; and evaluation of ideal and acceptable body shapes in older adults.