Handbook of Microscopic Anatomy for the Health Sciences

Handbook of Microscopic Anatomy for the Health Sciences

Book (01 Apr 1993)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is the Instructor's Guide to a classic text for medical assistants, describing a wide range of business and clinical skills that a medical assistant should possess and providing general knowledge with explanations to support those skills. Instructors should be able to build a programme around the core information presented here. Communications skills are dispersed throughout the text, permitting a sharper focus on situations the medical assistant will encounter in day-to-day practice.

Book information

ISBN: 9780801610127
Publisher: C. V. Mosby Co.
Imprint: C. V. Mosby Co.
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.99207582
Language: English
Number of pages: 135
Weight: -1g