Publisher's Synopsis
A fun-filled and meaningful activity book for children to draw, color, and record their Halloween Day's memory.
- A page to write your Name
- A page to draw your Halloween Costume
- A page to color and let your mom or dad to write you a Halloween message.
- 100 pages to do the activity mentioned below:
- Write where did you go for trick-or-treating i.e. which street? house number?
- Color the ghost if you played a trick or color the candy if you received treats.
- Color the candy to show how much candy you received from this house i.e. color one candy if you think you received a little and color all the candy if you think you received a lot.
- Draw your favorite candy or glue its wrapper on the box.
- Color all the pumpkins if you would recommend it to your friends or come again next Halloween.
- Lastly, journal your experience or thoughts on the next page.
- Or, you could use the book however you like and let your creativity runs wild!
Happy Halloween 2019!