Half-Arse Human

Half-Arse Human How to Live Better Without Burning Out

Signed by the Author

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Publisher's Synopsis

"This is the only self-help book that will tell you to give up. Except . . . you don't need to give up, do you? Because you didn't start.

Me either."

Leena Norms is a half-arser. A shave-one-legger. A rinse-the-plates-and-tell-herself-any-residual-dirt-will-improve-her-immune-system-er. And yet, she is determined to live better, build a career, strengthen her relationships, be good to her body, sort out her wardrobe, find meaningful hobbies, act on her ethics, and live a full, passionate, varied life.

And it's possible. Half-Arse Human will show you to harness the power of considered chaos and upgrade the parts of your life that really matter, without expending more than you have to give. Trying to be superhuman is out - being a half-arse human is in. Find out why living a life of slap-dash isn't as shameful as it seems; in fact, it might be the key to living the life you've always wanted. In a world of high-flyers, let's at least get you in the air.

Book information

ISBN: 9781472638199
Publisher: John Murray Press
Pub date:
Edition: Signed by the Author
Sales rank: 369
Weight: 412g
Height: 223mm
Width: 145mm
Spine width: 28mm