Publisher's Synopsis
HSC024 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care provides clear, step-by-step guidance on how to complete this mandatory unit of the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care award using an assessment-focussed approach. *The unit is set out in clear, easy-to-follow sections - each of which is closely focussed on what candidates need to know and do to pass the unit. * Content is delivered with step-by-step guidance for the candidate with ready-to-use assessment tasks for both knowledge and work-based evidence. *Assessment tasks are broken down into what is required for candidates to pass: what they need to know (knowledge) and what they need to do (competence). These are linked directly to getting students the number of credits they need. *Engaging case studies ensure that the learning material is rooted in real experiences of working in the health and social care sector, linking the theory to good practice. This cost-effective, practical short guide is tailored to work-based learners needs.