Publisher's Synopsis
The following Excerpt comes from this Wonderful Book:05-06 [_] ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A Mango Tree can have as many as 10,000 Delicious Mangos on it, hanging in Artistic Droops, and be 40 feet (12 meters) in Diameter, and only 20 feet Tall, and Liv for 100 Years, or more, and be one of the Most-Beautiful of all Creations on this Good Earth, and not Charge even one Dime for a Mango: beCause it is a Generous Tree, which only Requires Food and Water, just like you and me and everything else. Therefore, why not DRAFT a Working Soldier to take Good Care of it, if he does not Want to Volunteer for the Job? Did you Fake Government Officials ASK for Volunteers to Plant, Water, and Fertilize such Trees with their own Dung and Piss? NO, you did not: beCause you are nothing but WARMONGERS and CRIMINALS, who should ALL be Sentenced to 40 Years of HARD Labor in Rock Quarries, if you do not REPENT, and Check the above Box with a LARGE GREEN-X Mark! However, I dare say that if you Asked for Volunteers to Do that Job, among High School Students, Worldwide, you would have Unlimited Volunteers, if you just Paid them according to: "A List of FAIR Swanky Wages!" (The Equitable Wage System!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 065. In Fact, your Recruiting Stations for "Seven Great Armies of Working Soldiers!" (HOW to Provide a Way for Everyone to WORK: so as to Eliminate Poverty, Crimes, Drug Abuses, Prisons and Unnecessary Taxes!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 015B, would have Line-ups at their Doorways of no less than 3 Billion Young People, who would be Happy to Plant and Water those Mango Trees, if they ever got a TASTE of one from my own Garden, without any Pesticides, Herbicides, nor Chemical Poisons of any Kinds: beCause of never Eating anything so FRAGRANT and DELICIOUS, which are Grown by: "The LUSCIOUS All-Mineral Organic Method of Gardening!" (HOW to Grow DELICIOUS Satisfying Foods for Potential Kingz and Kweenz in Beautiful Swanky PALACES!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 021B, which is a Companion Book of: "Orgimmick Gardening at its Best!" (HOW to Grow Delicious Satisfying Foods without a 10-Million-Dollar Investment!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 079, which cannot even be Found at the DEPARTment of False Agriculture in "The Divided States of United Lies!" (The so-called "United States of North America" in Disguise!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 058. Look for Photographs Inside. +§+§§