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Grundlagen Der Genogrammarbeit

Grundlagen Der Genogrammarbeit Die Lebenswelt Als Ausgangspunkt Sozialpsychiatrischer Praxis

Paperback (07 Jun 2021) | German

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The task and goal of genogram work is to reconstruct the social background of a patient over three generations. How can such a procedure be used in psychiatry as a field of therapeutic action? After discussing the basics of phenomenology, the self and the concept of being-in-the-world of the psychiatrist Ludwig Binswanger, Bruno Hildenbrand uses the case of a patient diagnosed as schizophrenic to show how the philosophical positions described and those over three generations Developed family history promote understanding of the case problem and how interdependencies between a disorder and a family context can be explored. Notes on therapeutic approaches based on the understanding of the case to be gained in this way round off the volume. "

Book information

ISBN: 9783525407516
Publisher: Brill Deutchland GmbH
Imprint: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Pub date:
Language: German
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 120g