Publisher's Synopsis
Here are two new competitively priced, compact, full-color guides that focus on a specific gardening topic, solve an array of gardening problems, and present every important plant group. Find the solutions to your gardening problems from the American Horticultural Society's Practical Guides! Select from this ever-growing library of titles for the best gardening advice on plants and plant care, garden design, and garden construction. Growing From Seed includes: How to propagate from seed -- flowering plants, vegetables, fruit, herbs, and tree. Essential know-how -- illustrated guide to propagation materials, tools and equipment; soils and growing media; preparing and germinating seedlings; the importance of garden hygiene. Techniques -- collecting and sowing seeds; propagation techniques; growing on and pricking out; common problems affecting seeds. Plant gallery -- photographic catalog of plants including annuals, biennials, perennials, bulbous plants, fruit, vegetables, herbs, and trees.