Publisher's Synopsis
Envision a world cultivating love instead of fear. Imagine a world where our children know theyare whole, they are complete, and they are perfect. They are love! Join with us in the AnaHata philosophywhere we coach children in the art of looking within. Our goal is to to craft confidence and resiliency in our children as we deepen understanding of empathy.You have chosen a book that will awaken a love more fear less mentality. We hope this book will not only inspire your child but you the parent, grandparent or teacher. As we step into this new way of being we begin to understand that we are never alone because our AnaHata (heart connection) is an expansive and continually flowing source of wisdom and creativity. This workbook is filled with inspirational and positive messages using a metaphorical story of a seed growing into a strong tree. This story fills readers with healthy imagery depicting their own growth andempowerment. Included inside are a daily meditation exercises and a fillable affirmation list to explore how a daily practice raises self-awareness and well-being. Signing your affirmation list and illustrating your own unique AnaHata (your heart and love within) helps you realize how amazing you truly are.This manual is a gift and a beautiful reminder that our children and grandchildren are perfectjust as they are.May the journey begin