Publisher's Synopsis
This volume contains the proceedings of the virtual AMS Special Session on Equivariant Cohomology, held March 19-20, 2022. Equivariant topology is the algebraic topology of spaces with symmetries. At the meeting, ""equivariant cohomology"" was broadly interpreted to include related topics in equivariant topology and geometry such as Bredon cohomology, equivariant cobordism, GKM (Goresky, Kottwitz, and MacPherson) theory, equivariant $K$-theory, symplectic geometry, and equivariant Schubert calculus. This volume offers a view of the exciting progress made in these fields in the last twenty years. Several of the articles are surveys suitable for a general audience of topologists and geometers. To be broadly accessible, all the authors were instructed to make their presentations somewhat expository. This collection should be of interest and useful to graduate students and researchers alike.