Publisher's Synopsis
This collection of fourteen papers focuses on Classical poetry and historiography, with contributions coming from scholars from all over the UK and America. Contents: Greek and Roman Poetry: The Pleasures of the Ancient Text, or The Pleasure of Poetry from Plato to Plutarch ( David Konstan ); The Eschatology of the Epitaphs in the New Posidippus Papyrus ( M W Dickie ); The Legal and Social Framework of Plautus' Cistellaria ( Peter G McC Brown ); The Ancient Etymology of Carmen ( Alex Hardie ); Etymologising and the Structure of Argument in Lucretius Book 1 ( Robert Maltby ); Teucer's Imperium (Horace Odes 1.7.27) ( W Jeffrey Tatum ); Hercules and Augustus in Propertius 4.9 ( S J Harrison ); Elegy after the Elegists: from Opposition to Assent ( Gianpiero Rosati ); 'Toto notus in orbe'? The Epigrams of Martial and the Tradition of the Carmina Latina Epigraphica ( Alfredo Mario Morelli ); Hannibal at Gades: Silius Italicus 3.1-60 ( B J Gibson ); Problems of Text and Interpretation in Juvenal Satire 6 ( Frederick Williams ). Greek and Roman Historiography: The Aristeia of Brasidas: Thucydides' Presentation of Events at Pylos and Amphipolis ( J Gordon Howie ); Concluding Narratives: Looking to the End in Classical Historiography ( John Marincola ); Textual Notes on Tacitus' Annals ( A J Woodman ).