Publisher's Synopsis
The Bible is a great source of inspiration to Pat Stevens, for it is the greatest book ever written and the sweetest song ever sung, so important that mankind divided time into before and after the birth of the Messiah. The first five books of law in the Old Testament, are the basis of the Judeo-Christian ethic and the pillars of law in Western democracies, while the five poetical books stand among the greatest poetry ever written. The Old Testament is a marvellous tapestry of amazing ancestors, among these the author drew his inspiration for Absalom's Tomb, and the life of Moses in The Lawgiver.These stories are not an attempt to rewrite the Bible but rather a new style of Biblical writing, where the beautiful English of the King James Version is retained for the dialogue, but a modern writing style used for the narrative. This overlays a lovely Shakespearian veneer, also making the stories easier to read, as they contain only salient elements. Pat Stevens does not write Christian books but rather is a Christian who writes books, that reflect not only his Christian ethic but also his political and social views, so the book moves onto a section of religious essays applied to modern society.Where Absalom's Tomb continues with Solomon's Sons, namely Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and his links to the Rastafarian movement, who believe that neoliberal bankers are the Babylon Whore. The book also introduces the innovative concept of an Old Earth Creationism, which counterpoints the account in Genesis against evolution, and ponders if Einstein's Theory of Relativity could not make a six-day-creation possible? There's a Prayer for the Pope, which raises concerns about the Catholic Church, then the book finishes by questioning the Meaning of Life.