Publisher's Synopsis
"This volume tells of a score of men of different ages who looked at jurisprudence from different points of view, and had very different conceptions of its provisions." -Sir John Macdonnell, Great Jurists of the World (1914) Great Jurists of the World (1914), written by various eminent scholars, includes 26 short biographies of the world's greatest legal minds of the past 2,000 years. Edited by Sir John Macdonell and Edward Manson, with an introduction by Van Vechten Veeder, it highlights greats such as Gaius, Bartolus, Francis Bacon, Hugo Grotius, Thomas Hobbes and Montesquieu, to name a few. The illustrations of the jurists add to the book's readable format, one that transcends time for readers interested in the men who helped shape the philosophy and foundation of law.