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Grandma Knows Best

Grandma Knows Best

Paperback (12 Aug 2014)

  • $13.07
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Publisher's Synopsis

There is no greater memory than the treasured moments shared between grandparents and grandchildren. In this collection of stories you will find the reminiscences of time spent with past generations of family, and smile at the heartwarming familiarity it will surely bring to each and every reader who knew their grandmother. Stories include: The Secret That's Killing My Grandkids I Prayed To God For Grandma-"Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away!" Garage Sale of the Century: I Got More Than I Bargained For Grandma's Gumption Grandma To The Rescue!: I did it all to spare my grandbaby from suffering Vigilante Granny: A robber won't get the best of me Forced To Raise My Grandbaby A Granddaughter Is A Kiss From Heaven Granny Gone Bad: I spoiled my grandkids rotten Going to Grandma's Grandmas-God's Angels in Disguise

Book information

ISBN: 9781938877704
Publisher: On Demand Publishing, LLC-Create Space
Imprint: True Renditions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 134
Weight: 191g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 7mm