Publisher's Synopsis
"From Dr. Becky Kennedy, the popular psychologist known as the "Millennial Parenting Whisper," comes a groundbreaking guide that offers a new approach to parenting as well as practical solutions"--.
First Edition
Hardback (13 Sep 2022)
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"From Dr. Becky Kennedy, the popular psychologist known as the "Millennial Parenting Whisper," comes a groundbreaking guide that offers a new approach to parenting as well as practical solutions"--.
ISBN: | 9780063159488 |
Publisher: | Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers |
Imprint: | Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers |
Pub date: | 13 Sep 2022 |
Edition: | First Edition |
DEWEY: | 155.924 |
DEWEY edition: | 23/eng/20220103 |
Language: | English |
Weight: | 494g |
Height: | 161mm |
Width: | 237mm |
Spine width: | 33mm |