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Good Clinical Practice

Good Clinical Practice Pharmaceutical, Biologics, and Medical Device Regulations and Guidance Documents Concise Reference; Volume 1, Regulations

Paperback (26 Aug 2010)

  • $52.13
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Publisher's Synopsis

Topics covered include: * A brief description of the history and development of clinical research and good clinical practice * Title 21 CFR Parts 11, 50, 54, 56, 58, 210, 312, 314, 320, 511, 514, 601, 812, and 814 * FDA and ICH GCP Standards for Clinical Research * Form FDA 1572-Statement of Investigator * Informed Consent * Patient Recruitment * State Standards and GCP * Source Data/Documentation * Investigator/Site Requirements * Clinical Monitoring * Clinical Study Safety Reporting * Clinical Trial Protocols/Protocol Changes/Protocol Violations * Institutional Review Boards * Quality Assurance Activities/Study Auditing/FDA Inspections * Investigational Drug Accountability, Administration, and Labeling

Book information

ISBN: 9780982147672
Publisher: Pharmalogika
Imprint: Pharmalogika
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 712
Weight: 934g
Height: 152mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 36mm